Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 2009 Triangle News

Top Story: Have You Thought About Your Tracker Lately? (Part 3 of 3)

Last month, we issued the second of three installments of newsletters centered on identifying opportunities to drive more "bang for the research buck" on tracking studies and included some suggestions on how to execute that process. Click here for last month's article.

In this third and final installment on the subject, we will outline some of the practices required on preserving historical trends of customer satisfaction data and bridging the potential gap between results obtained from the previous research supplier to the new research firm commissioned to execute a better or more updated tracking program.

The key objective in managing these changes to an existing tracking study is to preserve historical trends that have been obtained in previous waves of research by mitigating the risks involved in this change.

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Accelerant News & Reviews

Spotlight on Acceler-PULSE™: My Research Budget is Tight, but My Clients Still Want to Hear the Voice of the Consumer -- Think Omnibus Surveys

There's no doubt that research managers are under increasing pressure to provide quality information and do so with a fraction of the previous year's budget. According to's 2009 Industry Survey, 2009 is the first in 20 years where overall research spending is expected to decline, and four out of five market research professionals expect their jobs to be more difficult in 2009, with an increasing need to provide more research insight under tighter budget constraints.

One fast and inexpensive method that a recent Quirk's article ("Five Low-Budget Market Research Approaches," Feb-09) mentions as a way to get reliable quantitative research results is by submitting questions into omnibus surveys (i.e., sharing the fielding and data processing cost of an entire survey with other client organizations).

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Upcoming Events

We hope to see you at these events in May. If you happen to miss the event, catch us on Twitter for a re-cap.

Social Media /Marketing Through MySpace - May 13 at 5:30pm at Dilworth Neighborhood Grille, sponsored by Charlotte AMA More Info

Special Interest Group for Research - May 20 at 9am at Dilworth Neighborhood Grille, sponsored by Charlotte AMA More Info

From the Research Knowledge Center
Looking for links to marketing research organizations? Demographic facts and figures? Just want to know what Seth Godin has been up to? Bookmark the Research Knowledge Center in your web browser.

Recent news found on Research Knowledge Center
Market Research Factoid of the Day 4/29/09: eMarketer predicts that 10.8% of Internet users (18.1 million) will be Twitter users (i.e., access the site at least once per month) in 2010.

Pew Research Center: Luxury or Necessity? The Public Makes a U-Turn. From the kitchen to the laundry room to the home entertainment center, Americans are paring down the list of familiar household appliances they say they can't live without. Full story

Marketing & Strategy Innovation Blog: Any CMO Health Check Can Uncover the Following: Chronic Social Media Phobia and Brand Equity Ulcer Full story

Research_Dude on Twitter
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Who's following Research_Dude?
@mediadiane - Diane Chase, broadcast journalist now media relations and crisis communication trainer, media coaching, executive communications, business writing; president IABC/Charlotte.

@maureenmorrison - Research editor at Advertising Age.

@guykawasaki - managing director of Garage Technology Ventures, an early-stage VC firm, Apple Fellow at Apple Computer, and author of nine books.

@researchrocks - Kathryn Korostoff is a successful entrepreneur and market research professional with a special interest in how organizations acquire, manage, and apply market research.

@mrnews - Global market research news and curator of useful links.

@kodakCB - Jennifer Cisney, Kodak's Chief Blogger. Design Geek. Photography Nut.
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Holiday Of The Month

There are many good ones in May from which to choose. Remember to do something nice for your mom.

May 4 - International Respect for Chickens Day

May 5 - Cinco de Mayo

May 8 - No Socks Day

May 10 - Mother's Day

May 16 - International Sea Monkey Day

May 25 - Memorial Day