Just like casting agents, we begin by getting the
background information of would-be participants vying for a part in the study. While casting agents solicit résumés and head
shots, we administer screeners, and this is where we begin our work. Just as actors compete for various roles,
prospective participants sometimes try to show themselves in the best light by
answering questions in a way that will qualify them for the study. But it is our job to weed out the fakers from
the takers. So our screeners are always
designed to identify those who try to game the questions by making it
impossible to figure out how to qualify.
The next step also involves
validation and verification. Casting
agents invite those actors that pass the first hurdle to audition. During this step, they compare the headshot
to actual appearance; they review the résumé against their behavior on the set,
and they have the actor read for the part.
Likewise, we make phone calls to those in our pool of possible
participants and probe on important criteria to ensure no faking or gaming gets
past us. We also impose the requirement
of having all participants send us a recent photo of themselves. Last, we insert and administer our
“Articulation Ability” questions that aid in the final recruitment of
participants who will readily and openly share their experiences and opinions.
At Accelerant Research, we appreciate all that goes into
planning and executing qualitative research.
But even with the most highly skilled moderator, in the most
state-of-the-art facility, offering a handsome incentive, if recruitment fails
to deliver “real participants” that show up and are candid, the study will
fail. Ever since we began our recruiting
practice, we have strived to transcend the traditional recruiting processes and
perform our jobs like casting agents.
And the results are seen in our ever-growing business and list of
satisfied and loyal clients.
From the recruiting team at Accelerant Research…best
regards and safe travels.
For more information about our services, please visit us at: www.accelerantresearch.com, or email us at info@accelerantresearch.com or call us at 704.206.8500