Top Story: Have You Thought About Your Tracker Lately? (Part 2)
Last month, we stated that due to current economic conditions, it may be a good opportunity to revisit the value of historical data collected in a customer satisfaction tracking study, and consider whether revisions could improve the value of the data collected and reduce costs.
This month, we continue this thought by examining ways to reduce the overall cost of a tracking study:
- Reduce the length of the survey by only tracking key drivers that have a strong relationship with overall customer satisfaction,
- Review the methodology that has been used in the past and consider whether a less expensive process of data collection can be deployed without a loss of research quality, and
- Re-bid the study with a new set of research suppliers to force research firms to sharpen their pencils in pricing The third and final installment of this article series in next month's newsletter lays out how to migrate tracking studies to new methodologies and/or new suppliers while minimizing the loss of historical data. Continue to full story
Accelerant News & Reviews
Leveraging Blogspace For Ethnographic InsightAccelerant Research recently completed its first live consumer beta test for BlogNog on a study for a home improvement retail chain.
What is BlogNog? BlogNog is a blog platform used to recruit consumers to document their actions, feelings, and insight on a given assignment. This method of capturing the voice-of-the-consumer is directly relevant to how people are using the web today to write about their experiences and share their opinions.
For this particular beta test, consumers blogged as a follow-up to shopping exercises and focus groups in which they had participated. As part of the blog, they had the opportunity to upload photos, video, and files.
We love to talk about BlogNog. So, feel free to call us (704.206.8500) to talk more about future plans and development for BlogNog.
Upcoming Events
We hope to see you at these events in April. If you happen to miss the event, catch us on Twitter and our blog for a re-cap.
Marketing Social - April 1 at Pewter Roses's Tutto Mundo, sponsored by Charlotte AMA More Info
Re-Energizing Your Brand - April 8 at Dilworth Neighborhood Grille, sponsored by Charlotte AMA More Info
The Truth About Branding - April 15 at Doubletree SouthPark, sponsored by Business Marketing Association Carolinas More Info
From the Research Knowledge Center
Looking for links to marketing research organizations? Demographic facts and figures? Just want to know what Seth Godin has been up to? Bookmark the Research Knowledge Center in your web browser.
Recent news found on Research Knowledge Center
Market Research Factoid appearing March 27, 2009Major cities where Americans would most like to live are Denver, San Diego, and Seattle, according to the Pew Research Center. Detroit, Cleveland, and Cincinnati are ranked as the least favorite cities. Full story
Twitter Posts Meteoric 1,382% YoY Growth, with the number of total unique visitors increasing from 475,000 in February 2008 to seven million in February 2009. Full story
Number of US Facebook Users Over 35 Nearly Doubles in Last 60 Days (but the fastest growing demographic on Facebook is still women over 55). Full story
Holiday Of The Month
National High Five Day (NH5D) will be April 16 this year (traditionally third Thursday of April)
Visit the official website for flyers, music, videos, and suggestions on how to setting up a high five booth on a busy street corner. More info
Wikipedia, the official source for everything, also has step by step instructions. Even more info